First Thoughts on 'The Flash' (Episodes 21-23)

"Grodd Lives"
This episode had the Flash fighting a giant, telepathic, telekinetic gorilla called Grodd, who hated bananas. I didn't think that was what I was going to be typing about any TV show, let alone The Flash.
The big talking point of the episode was Grodd himself, who was brilliantly realized through some excellent CGI work and lighting, and the voice was a terrifying accompaniment. While I did feel the ending was a bit of a cheat, it kinda made sense, and there couldn't be too big a final showdown, especially considering this is only one episode of a long-running TV show. That said, I really enjoyed the Grodd segment of the episode.
The Eobard / Eddie scenes were quite interesting though, with many teases to the future and as to Eddie's role in the show. Yes, they were very talky, but they needed to be, and Tom Cavanagh couldn't help but steal the scenes.
Overall, Grodd Lives was a bit cheesy, but had its scary moments and certainly challenged what can be done on a TV budget.
"Rogue Air"
While this episode did feel like two-in-one, with Team Flash's mission to save the prisoners with Captain Cold and Golden Glider's help, and Barry, Oliver and Ronnie's confrontation against the Reverse Flash, both served well in the progress of the series.
Captain Cold's ultimate betrayal of Barry all made sense though - he used Barry's fatal flaw, his compassion - against him and set up some new Rogue teammates in the process. Oh, and Cisco's interactions with Lisa were quite entertaining.
The real standout though was the final scene with Flash's mini Justice League fighting off the Reverse Flash, and while Firestorm did seem to be a bit rubbish in comparison, the fight between Thawne and Oliver was great to watch. All in all, another great episode from The Flash. I can't wait to see where they go for the finale.
"Fast Enough"
The Flash has been a show that constantly pushes as many boundaries as it can. I presented an epic superhero story on our Television screens. It brought us great characters and developed them with interesting character arcs. It tied all plot threads together to make it all relevant and all fit at the end of it all. It was a series that managed to entertain comic book fans and new fans alike, and Fast Enough is a perfect representation of all of this that The Flash has done so well over 23 episodes.
At long last we get to see Ronnie and Caitlin get married. At long last we get Barry's confrontation with Eobard Thawne. At long last we get to see hints at Cisco's future. At long last we get to see the Reverse Flash defeated. At long last Eddie's character arc has come to a close, and it feels like a satisfying conclusion. At long last, Barry gets to say goodbye to his mother.
Remember a couple of weeks ago when I was moaning about Arrow's season 3 finale? Well, I have no moans for The Flash's season 1 finale. Everything came together amazingly well in this stellar piece of television, showcasing exactly why The Flash is such a brilliant show. I was holding back the tears when Barry said goodbye to his mother, I couldn't help but stare as we got to see glimpses into Barry's future, and Eddie's death was truly a heroic moment for the character.
Very rarely can a season finale for a show reach true stakes. Fast Enough shows that what makes a season finale epic is just how this will impact the characters. Not how many explosions or Visual FX the episode can throw in our faces, but deep and interesting characters facing their toughest challenge yet. The Flash knows this, and among the tears shed, the fans' cries of excitement at comic book references and cameos from different characters, and the superb visual FX, it told a good story. This is by far the best episode of The Flash to date, and better than any of the episodes Arrow has thrown at us. This was a brilliant ending to The Flash season 1, and I cannot wait to see what the future holds for the show.
As Eobard Thawne says, "Run, Barry - run!" And never stop. Not at this pace.


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