
Showing posts from April, 2020

Doctor Who Revisited: The Tsuranga Conundrum (2018)

Flashback to 2018. Doctor Who had undergone its biggest creative shift since 2010, with a new showrunner, new Doctor and a new stylistic approach. The first few episodes of Series 11 had been a really mixed bag, but now we were at the mid-point - the episode that needed to cement this new direction for the show. Unfortunately, ' The Tsuranga Conundrum ' wasn't quite "it", instead feeling a bit cobbled-together and uncertain, and by the end of its fifty-minute-running-time, the overall fan reaction was pretty negative. Revisiting ' The Tsuranga Conundrum ' almost two years later, it's easy to see why this episode failed to engage the Doctor Who fan base. It's an incredibly wordy episode, with frequent exposition dumps raced through at such a pace that it's difficult not to get dialogue whiplash. The episode clearly wants to start-off at a good pace, but sadly - whether it be a symptom of editing or  Jennifer Perrott 's direction - it n