
Showing posts from December, 2021

Doctor Who: Flux - The Vanquishers (2021) - Review

After five weeks of excitement and build-up, Doctor Who: Flux wraps up one of the show's biggest stories in a convoluted mess of a finale that, if nothing else, reminded me of how much I enjoyed the middle three instalments. Chapters One and Five seemed primarily interested in moving the pieces around to set up key plot points for later on, while Chapter Six: The Vanquishers is forced to wrap everything up in a satisfying manner within an hour. With so many characters and storylines, it's hard to keep track of exactly what's going on, who's where and what the endgame is. In fact, the plot is so all over the place that the Doctor is split into three selves in order to save the day. The Vanquishers is not without its highlights: most of the scenes and plot points work well on their own, although are all in need of more screen time to really expand on them. The Lupari are murdered off-screen (and apparently not killed in battle, but chucked out of an airlock by Sontaran