First Thoughts on 'The Flash' (Episodes 2-5)

To be perfectly honest, I have little to say about The Flash. It doesn't seem to know quite what to do. With it being more of a family show than Arrow, its constantly avoiding some darker areas to explore, incorporating more cheesy and light-hearted moments. 
Then again, viewers who don't watch Arrow will be left going "hang on, when was this in The Flash?" at the previously for Episode 4 with the footage from Season 2 of Flash's parent show, and will probably be wondering who Felicity Smoak is. This seems to clash with it being a separate show for a different audience and just seems to be the light-hearted spin-off to Arrow, instead of its own show. Then again, it is its own show for a lot of the time, so...I just don't know. I'm very glad I watch both Flash and Arrow!
The jokes and gags are well placed in The Flash, but the more serious moments can get overshadowed by humour and the lack of faith in going darker. Episode 5 explored the Army experimenting with Meta-Humans, but barely touched on the true horror aspect, leaving the episode feeling very unfulfilled.
Harrison Wells is clearly going down a super-villain route in the series, but we seem to be waiting for it to happen. His villainous ways are teased in every episode, but we're just waiting for him to go full evil!
Also, The Flash is called The Flash, not the Streak. I don't want a repeat of Arrow season 1 guys. Barry Allen is The Flash. Harrison Wells calls him The Flash, Oliver Queen gives him the name idea for The Flash, the show itself is called The Flash, so him being called the Streak just seems really...dumb, if I'm honest, especially after the Pilot ended with Barry essentially saying he has become The Flash.
All of the stuff with Iris is becoming a little tiresome, and while there are some great moments, all of the will they, won't they stuff just feels like a repeat of the first season of Arrow, alongside the business with the name. Just cut to the chase already!
In all honesty, The Flash is lacking originality given in its Pilot at the moment. I'm just waiting for something to happen, but I do worry I'll have to wait for the 'Arrow VS Flash' crossover episodes for that to happen.


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