Zoolander 2 (2016) - Written Review

In 2001, Zoolander was released - a film directed by Ben Stiller following Derek Zoolander, the biggest name in the modelling industry who ends up being brainwashed to assassinate the Prime Minister of Malaysia by fashion guru Mugatu. The film was mostly panned by critics, despite being fairly successful at the box office, and lots of people do like it, including myself. However, Zoolander developed enough of a cult following to help Stiller persuade studio executives to make a sequel...15 years later.
Now we have Zoolander 2 - or 2oolander - or ZooIIander with a double L looking like the roman numerals for 2 - or just Zoolander No. 2.  Anyway, now that this film has been released at long last, is it actually any good, or should Zoolander have stayed as a one-hit wonder?
It's been 15 years since the events of Zoolander, and Derek and Hansel are recluses until new fashion maestro Alexanya Atoz invites them to be her star models at her latest fashion show in Rome. As the two former models re-unite, they find that the industry has changed since they left, and now not only must they resurrect their careers, but also get Derek re-united with his son. Little do they know, of course, that this is all part of a bigger scheme by a former nemesis, as the world's most popular and attractive people - and Justin Bieber - are being killed off one by one...
Along the way of course are various celebrity cameos, from Kiefer Sutherland, Katy Perry and Neil deGrasse Tyson to Benedict Cumberbatch, Justin Bieber and Sting, all giving Zoolander 2 a sense of scale that few films like this really achieve. It also allows for some great puns and in-jokes, but really does build up the world that Derek, Hansel and everyone inhabit. Also, it's a lot of fun seeing these cameos.
For those who haven't the seen the first Zoolander, I can't say I'd recommend not seeing it first. You might still find it amusing, but I think seeing the first movie will make you enjoy Zoolander 2 more, knowing the context behind everything. For those who have seen the first Zoolander though, Zoolander 2 is pretty much everything you could ask for in a sequel. Despite this being made 15 years after the first movie, it feels like a direct sequel. The original writers have returned to pen the screenplay, Ben Stiller is directing once again and the movie doesn't bother trying to play the nostalgia card because it simply doesn't need to. Zoolander 2 has all the elements of the first movie re-packaged into a new story with new jokes and new cast additions, feeling both fresh but also very true to the original.
The cast are of course on top-form here. No one seems to be taking this seriously at all, and all the returning cast members look like they returned because they genuinely wanted to as opposed to getting a massive pay-cheque. Ben Stiller still has great comedic timing as Derek, working very well with Owen Wilson's Hansel and newcomer Penelope Cruz as Valentina - an Interpol agent working with Derek and Hansel to discover who is responsible for the murders. Will Ferrell is still really funny as Mugatu, while Cyrus Arnold is a great foil for Stiller as an older Derek Jr. As I said earlier, all of the cameos are a lot of fun and add to the re-watch value, and everyone seems to be having a lot of fun on this movie.
As for the production values, the movie looks pretty great. It's mostly set in Rome, but the locations look amazing, the sets really add to Zoolander's wacky world, the costumes are just...bizarre, as they should be; and it's difficult to see where corners were cut in terms of budget. The $50 million budget is up on screen for all to see.
At the end of the day though, strong production values and a great cast don't necessarily make a good movie, which is why I'm pleased to say that Zoolander 2 is a lot of very entertaining fun. I'm not arguing that the movie has its plot holes, there's at least one big deleted scene missing, and the film changes its focus every five minutes, but it's bizarre pacing and structure is all part of the Zoolander package. If you don't like the whacky and bizarre style of Zoolander 1, you're hardly going to like it in Zoolander 2. If this movie clicks with you, my aforementioned nitpicks won't mean anything to you. If this movie doesn't click with you, then obviously you're going to spot the problems with it and not have as much fun.
I for one really enjoyed the movie, and it was exactly what I wanted it to be. How would I improve the movie? I'm not entirely sure. As I said, there are some issues with scenes missing and a distinct lack of focus, but this is a Zoolander movie at the end of the day. It's hardly going to have the tightest screenplay ever, because its meant to be a comedy. It's meant to be silly, it's not supposed to be played straight-faced. It's a movie that constantly winks to the audience with its humour and that's what it should be.
Overall, Zoolander 2 is everything one could want in a Zoolander sequel. It's very funny, has a great cast, fun celebrity cameos and has such a sense of fun that it's difficult not to get wrapped up in it's crazy world. Is it perfect? No, but that doesn't mean it should be. I've avoided saying too much in this review because I think you should go and see it for yourself and enjoy any twists or surprises within the film itself. So, if you need cheering up or just want a fun time at the cinema, Zoolander 2 is well worth your money.

I give Zoolander 2 an 8/10.


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