Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. - Season 3, Episode 7 Review

Why do I write these Agents of SHIELD reviews? I don't exactly write them weekly anymore, and my articles mostly seem to mention that "maybe these problems will be improved in future episodes" or "maybe this plot thread won't go anywhere". However, I actually enjoy writing these articles. Nowadays Agents of SHIELD feels very much like one long 22 episode story as opposed to 22 standalone serials (as was when it began), so I often find that I linger on a plot thread or character or just a generally interesting topic about Agents of SHIELD.
This week, I think I'll talk about Agent May.
Agent May is one of those characters who's hard to get right. She had her own character-focused episode of Season 1, which put simply was kinda knaff (from memory). Then, she had her "origin" episode of Season 2, which was pretty darn good but felt like a tacked-on piece of story to an already cluttered season.
So, here we are at the Season 3 Agent May-focused episode and I can safely say its the best of the three, and the best of the season so far. Everything this season of SHIELD has built up is in this episode, whether it be the focus in this episode or not.
Rosalind and Coulson's relationship grew stronger, Daisy is becoming more of a superhero each week, Fitz is trying to help Simmons, Morse is trying to get over her traumatic torture by Ward's hands with Hunter, May is trying to find a purpose in her life and Andrew is Lash. The May/Andrew dynamic is one that SHIELD hasn't explored much and I wish it would. In this episode we see two people who clearly love each other who are gradually being divided by just who they are as individuals. Andrew is a murdering Inhuman, May is a secret agent. These two are posed so much as opposites but oddly enough it works. It's this contrast between the two that makes this episode so interesting to watch.
May is kidnapped by Andrew, leading Coulson, Daisy, Mack, Rosalind and a returning Lincoln to go after her, rescue her (not that she needs it) and imprison Andrew before he hurts anyone else. There are some interesting flashbacks to what happened between Seasons 2 and 3 for May and Andrew and this episode managed to emotionally resonate with me in a way that SHIELD rarely does.
Overall, this episode clicked with me. No, it wasn't perfect and when Morse and Hunter showed up I did almost say out loud "oh, forgot they will still in this show" (kind of telling about their characters, eh?), but this was pretty darn great. 'Chaos Theory' is an episode that will hopefully stay in my memory for a little while yet. 9/10


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