Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. - Episode 11 Review

The Magical Place
The following review contains SPOILERS for the series.
After three months of anticipation (in the UK, that is), Marvel's Agents of SHIELD returns for twelve more episodes. Questions will be answered, bad guys will be...beaten up and  Centipede will...elude SHIELD some more...
Last episode saw a shocking cliffhanger to the series, with Coulson kidnapped by Centipede, Mike Peterson dead and the team left with no leads whatsoever.
This episode sees the team not long after trying to hunt Centipede down and find Coulson, but Agent Hand's takeover sees Skye off the team and her security levels increased, as well as being very reluctant to find Coulson.
Meanwhile Coulson himself is being subjected to torture by Centipede and soon its up to Raina to play good cop, having been given orders by 'the Clairvoyant', who can't see what happened to him after he died. So, is the Clairvoyant a psychic? Interesting questions are raised. All we know is that he's sees a lot of stuff and is male. At least, they address the Clairvoyant as 'him'.
Anyway, Coulson's mind is searched for the answers, and just when the Tahiti memory comes up...Shepherd Book appears! No wait, wrong Joss Whedon series. Ron Glass returns as the doctor who seems to know a lot about what happened to Coulson, but exactly what did happen to the Agent?
Skye gets a lot to do in this episode, and it works well. She's a great multi-layered character, and her mysterious past doesn't destroy any hope of a likeable and resourceful character who has a life outside of the mystery (something a certain Doctor Who hasn't done with Clara so far). These scenes show how she has progressed as a person over the course of the past ten episodes and is very intelligent, working out how to access the information about Raina's whereabouts and letting the team know.
As for the rest of the team, well...
Fitz is a great character. He has small moments of being a bit annoying but is generally very good. He feels like a human being as opposed to a one-dimensional geek that seems to plague some characters in his shoes.
Ward is growing on me. Slowly. He's good at being a no-nonsense agent, but he doesn't strike a balance between this and a normal human being. This episode managed to give him just enough to do to make him feel relevant and show how he has progressed over the series.
As for May, I just don't get what's up with her. She has hints at a background and occasionally acts slightly like a human being, but she has some moments where you just want to punch her in the face for her lack of humanity!
I think I'll just skip over Simmons (I am waiting for a Wash-style death one day though).
The team go off to find Skye while SHIELD goes on a merry goose chase, and Coulson begins to remember the truth - what actually happened to him, but before Raina can find out, Skye breaks in with the team and her plans are ruined.
Coulson confronts the doctor about what happened to him, and it seems that Coulson did die, and every possible operation was done to save him, but he changed. He lost the will to live. Therefore SHIELD wiped his memory and created new ones - of Tahiti. After all, it's a magical place. This is interesting, but I feel we are missing something. I don't think Coulson has all the facts yet, so I'm wondering where this will go for his trust in SHIELD in the future.
The final scene sees Mike Peterson - still alive - and now with a new synthetic eye... It seems that Centipede have him back.
Overall this was an amazing episode to kick-start the second half of the series, and I look forward to what happens next. I can't actually fault it, so I give a well-deserved: 10/10


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