Doctor Who: The Bells of Saint John (2013)

So, at long last - The Bells of Saint John are ringing. A hark back to Steven Moffat's classic "The Empty Child" perhaps? Except they've put the phone in a little cubby hole this time round, unlike the 2010 TARDIS model. Did I mention how much I love Michael Pickwoad's design of the TARDIS? It looks more and more awesome every episode. However, the new theme isn't as good as the one used in "The Snowmen". It's more orchestral than synthesised and seems far too short. The title sequence hasn't been altered (with the exception of the ever-changing logo) which is a bit of a pity.
Anyway, the Doctor has a new garb and a monk outfit! The new costume is very Doctor-ish and much better than his previous (and Tennant's). Both work well with Matt Smith's quirky Doctor and the scene where he and the monk have the phone call is hilarious! ("Is it an evil spirit?" "It's a woman!") That's why I love Moffat's writing - the soft little touches which makes Doctor Who look like a God to such programmes as "Downton Abbey".
Oh well, onto the main woman herself - Clara! Aside from being played by Jenna-Louise Coleman (making every episode much better than it actually is), Clara is a great character. Sure, she may be a damsel in distress for most of the episode but when not she is really good. Although why does she think the TARDIS is a snogging booth? Has Steven Moffat been watching "The Big Bang Theory"? Oh well, at least there wasn't a kiss. Oh smeg, I've jinxed it now!
There are many subtle hints to previous episodes and I could list them all (harks back to "The Empty Child", "Rose", "Partners in Crime" "SJA: Invasion of the Bane", "The Big Bang", "Asylum of the Daleks", "The Angels Take Manhattan", "The Snowmen", "The TV Movie", "The Web of Fear", "The Idiot's Lantern", "The Power of Three" and to future episodes...)
People have complained of this episodes' similarities to "The Idiot's Lantern" but I really hate that story and this is the modern equivalent and much, much better.
The scene with the monks has been criticised as to why the Doctor is secluded again after what he said in "The Snowmen" but I don't mind too much, as the monk scene is hilarious and typical Moffat ("They call him the mad monk" "They shouldn't - he's definitely not a monk").
The Doctor's plan to use a spoonhead double of himself was brilliant and very clever, which made the ending satisfying. Even if he looked a bit odd when he adjusted the iPad settings on the workers.
Although why is Clara flirting with the Doctor? Is Matt Smith the new fan-girl favourite? If so, I'm obviously oblivious to it (to be perfectly honest, I'm more interested in Jenna-Louise Coleman than Mat Smith).
This episode may lack in great villains (The Great Intelligence does nothing and Miss Kizlet is far too hammy - look at the end!) it isn't really about that. The script is fantastic, as is the direction. Even the anti-grav motorbike was more awesome than cheesey!
I would love to try and pick holes in this episode, but all the holes I can find are nit-picks. Therefore, I give it a 9/10 and I look forward to "tomorrow" for the "Rings of Akhaten". But who was the woman in the shop? River? Sally Sparrow? Or Madame Kovarian....? Oh, and this isn't the last we'll see of the Great Intelligence, I'm sure of it.


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